Wednesday, 5 October 2011

"He doesn't want to hold my hand."

Yesterday, I was sent to a nursery in Essex.

Observing a 3-4 year old little girl obsessionally follow around a boy wanting to hold his hand resounded with me. She moaned, "He doesn't want to hold my hand." I said, "Maybe he doesn't want to hold your hand." I asked the coy looking boy and he shook his head. I could see he was desperate to escape her advances but he was being tolerant of her persistence. I joked on my Facebook status: Story. Of. My. Life. This morning after practice, my friend asked "And how did you feel when you saw her doing that." I said, "Empathy." She said, "And did you not wonder why she was doing that?"

Why? We perfectly good women put our eggs in one basket? Investing our invaluable energy into one man who doesn't love us like we HOPE one day they might. All the while, they fly free, happy, content, eating their cake...smothered in love.

I've grown up from that little girl.

It's time to change that self-destructive path I understand I'm 26!


  1. What I meant to say was..didn't you want to save that little girl the humiliation, seeing it from the outside with perfect clarity?
    But yes, more baskets needed. Or in my case, ONE basket would be a good place to start. Just let's not talk about eggs.

  2. Haha, eggs! One word. Shatavari.

    I suppose she wouldn't understand even if I told her she was wasting her time! And I haven't for YEARS. I've spent years of my life in love with men who don't love me back. I've just started to see the pattern and learn from it. I had an interesting conversation with D and A about my belly flab and they said it was all emotional. In the area I carry my fat it's about me feeling sorry for myself and feeling powerless. I joked, "So, for a flat stomach...i just need to see a counsellor!"

    It's totally true though. No more woe is me. Living. In. Suffering. Ey?! xx
