Friday, 2 March 2012

MIAMI (more)

Kino prescribed me 10 push ups each afternoon to help gain strength. This after I moaned, "I'm so weak." *sad face*

Well do something about that then.

Makes sense.

But I never thought of doing extra to complement my practice. *light bulb ping*

And what else have I been (secretly) moaning about? I hate to say it (and be a typical woman)...but the extra pounds I've been chugging around lately (for the past few years). Too much creamy milk and sweet treats I think. So, I'm taking the reins there too. I need to be responsible for myself...I don't need so many calories.

Something that was discussed last week (I'm trying to scramble through it all and pick out the most prominent) was the importance of choosing your teacher and sticking with them. Placing trust in them, despite the ups and downs of practice on and off the mat and despite your (perhaps) fluctuating feelings towards them too. Knowing that that is all part of the process. This is learning to have faith in a teacher and letting go, surrendering to yoga. I recall, feeling blessed to have stumbled upon my teacher (and shala) in London by sheer luck or fate and for the cherished relationship I have with her.
Kino went on to discuss students becoming teachers when at some stage in their practice they were able to shine their own torch to guide others in the practice...which I guess is where I am now, covering classes. Though, I hardly feel worthy...just profoundly honored.

Tim told me on the first day, "So it's not flexibility that you need to work on, it's strength." Yes, I'm a very fortunate lady to have a naturally bendy body... I know now, I have to really work on gaining strength. In life too. With my boyfriend away for the beginning of March, it's my chance to check in with myself and access the woman inside who IS strong. I need to believe that too.

Tim (all knowingly) also commented, "It's your fear that holds you back in asana, your body is ready, your mind is holding you back."


Time to be more bold, more here, in this moment. Let me remember what I learned on Vipassana...oh, they were good lessons.

The final reminder from Miami, that I want to mention was that it's all practice whatever it looks like. Advanced or Primary series, it's all yoga...and neither is better or worse. I guess it's hard not to place value on what it looks like but you could have an advanced practice one day and then with the onset of an injury lose all that, does that mean that you don't have a great practice still?! No because, yoga is more than just the Sharath said at his conference in London last year, Asana is the foundation to a spiritual practice.

I thank God everyday that I am able to learn this beautiful practice. Miami strengthened my love for the practice as it strengthened my love of life too.

And finally, more Florence. It really is a great album.