Sunday, 19 September 2010

Listen to me..

I miss my best friend in Carlisle..she always listened. REALLY listened. In fact, she taught ME to listen better to others..and in context to children who can't always communicate as efficiently as adults are able to. And then there are some adults who still struggle to communicate. They struggle to be heard. There are the adults who don't or won't listen.

I've learned to listen to myself as I've matured. I know when I'm sad. I know when i'm happy, content..when i'm in love! I know myself well. I listen hard. I listen to the kids in my class..even when they don't make any sense at all with their broken English, broken sentences, mumbling..I listen and wholeheartedly try to give them my utmost attention. Because they, like everyone else, deserve to be listened to. It hurts me, it makes me sad, irritated, annoyed, frustrated when people don't truly listen to either themselves or more so, to others.

The friend I have on Facebook who tires herself working too hard on a weekly basis only needs to re-read her status updates and actually SEE her continuous cycle of behaviour of working herself to the ground and then feeling down as a result. Then their is the friend that doesn't want to listen..they just want to talk about themselves. They've no time. They have bigger fish to fry...

When i listen to people, i try to connect. I try to relate..and try to see things from their point of view. I wonder what i would do. Because i am you.

Listen to me.


  1. Beeeeeeeautiful. Thank you for the reminder. Two ears, one

  2. Yours might be bigger than mine though ;) hahahah xx
