Monday, 6 September 2010

Inhale, Exhale..Exhale Exhale Exhale

It's becoming hard to find the time to blog!

Where am I?

Back in school..
Back on track..
Back in love with yoga..backbending
Back in love with life.

I am here.

I finally feel like I have my purpose again:

1. To be the best teacher I can be
2. To be the best learner I can be (on and off my mat)

I didn't realize how much I'd fallen for this Ashtanga lark until this weekend when my Mum commented that I was obsessed!

A weird twist of fate meant that I spent the whole weekend immersed in Ashtanga with none-the-less than Kino Macgregor and my shala shanti chums. Once again, evidence that I am truly blessed! All for free as people's unwanted places came flooding my way... thank you thank you thank you. Saturday morning, I was delighted to start led at 10pm (late for the Mysore devotees!).. I actually wanted to cry, overwhelmed with the excitable, energy and love of the room. I wanted to cry because I was there. I was breathing and felt such great clarity. Suddenly, everything was alright..dripping, POURING sweat, i melted into my practice. Practicing next to Helen made it even more special, I had unknowingly put my mat next to hers. Helen was there at the start of my yoga journey in Liverpool, when I first practiced with my first teacher, she even taught me when my teacher was away in India.

Saturday afternoon, an inversions workshop, was not what I expected at all! Yogic lesson: Let go of expectation! We seemed to spend a lot of time in Bakasana, balancing and jumping back (or attempting to!). Kino explained that when she always wanted to gain strength from her practice..physically, emotionally, mentally. DITTO. This is the first time in my life since I was probably about 15 years old (realistically) that I have not been glued to an exercise machine. This practice is about my life and building strength where I am weak, facing fears and accepting myself and others. And it's about understanding.


This woman is beyond inspiring.. meeting her I actually felt star-struck! And that's not like me at all. We are one. I don't believe in being better than others or celebrity..but hearing this woman speak, what she said and HOW and connecting with her so deeply; I was a goof.

Sunday, I practiced with my regular teacher and had a great practice again..binding Supta Kurmasana and touching (kissing!) feet! I am really beginning to like this asana haha. Then back to Kino for Second Series fun in the afternoon. Backbending YES YES YESSSSSSSSS. Can't not say that Bikram didn't help prepare me for some of the 'challenging postures' and I was willing to give everything a shot and think I'll be here in my practice one day.

It was a truly fabulous weekend.

Today. I. Was. Stiff!! Boy, was my practice a struggle..every vinyasa hurt! But I'm so glad that my teacher was relentless and made me bind my Supta K. I will not give in to that whiney child that lurks within that just wants wants wants now now now, that's not how it is. Finally, I'm beginning to see that. Flippin' finally!!

However, with a tube strike looming tomorrow morning, I think I'll stay in bed and have a 'lye in' my aching body, and rest Wednesday as it's a Moon Day woohoo! Rest to revive innit.


  1. Jen so glad to hear you loved it, as you say Kino rocks.

    My Mum thinks I'm obsessed too!

  2. Very interesting Yoooooga blaaaarg Jens! I like it! I'm only 1/5 the Yoooogar that you are, but maybe one day I will be 2/5 or better!?

  3. FOGGY!! Yes, yes, of course! Kino said you can realistically aim for 2% difference every time practice and any one movement becomes completely natural after it is performed roughly 10 000 times! CORRECTLY. ;)

    What form of yoga do you do?

  4. Well, i have never tried vinyasa yoga..but i imagine that it's similar to Ashtanga?

    Outdoor yoga sounds fun! I did yoga outside on retreat in Ibiza one year..that was pretty amazing. Not as hot as indoors (sadly) but it was still pretty magical practicing in nature.

  5. Just got back from yoooooooooga. And the gym for weightlifting before and a 5K run after! Worn. Out. Now what about you Jens?

  6. I used to do crazy shit like that Fogster! Now it's all about yoga ;)
