Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Moon Day Good Eggs

Ahh. Joy. Moon Day. Eggs and soldiers leisurely breakfast and blogging.

Yoga news: my practice has been pretty MEH for the past couple of weeks. Body feels like a lead balloon and every since I was told (again) about the hyper-extension in my arms, i feel like a beginner that can't even do Chaturanga properly! Frustration looms over me and my body feels like a fat, clumsy, heavy, WEAK, lump of rubbish yogi. LOL. Okay, so i'm exaggerating. I'm *trying* not to be that hard on myself. I have a niggling problem with my hamstring and my knees have been on and off sore since starting to go deeper in Ardha Baddha Paddmotanasa and binding in Yoga Mudra. A friend has suggested rolling around on a tennis ball to help my hamstring so gona give that a whirl this week.

Life news: I saw another flat last night. The current flatmate is very interested in meeting the right person to live with so it was more like a date than a viewing and she even had a couple of her bestfriends there to vet me too! It's all very exhausting and to be fair, I just want to find a place now. I will be so happy the day I know where I am moving and this new chapter can begin.

Despite the snow in the UK, I made it to a big gig/RAVE in Manchester at the weekend. The DJ I went to see was actually snowed in in the end and stuck in another country but the weekend (and journey!) turned out to be so worth it in the end for seeing my old flatmate and uni bestfriend. It made me realize how lucky I am to have such good eggs in my life. Once again, I'm consumed with gratitude for the people I have met along my path.

Happy Moon Day ECLIPSE!

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