Saturday, 25 June 2011

For Real

It's the morning time when I have the greatest clarity of thought. It's the morning time when I have words that make it onto this page. It's Saturday morning, when I'm not expelling those thoughts on my yoga mat that they actually get here.

I have just THREE weeks of school teaching left. Exciting. I'm looking forward to Vipassana immensely. Vipassana means to see things as they truly are. More and more I'm doing this. My mind really only has enough space for now and what's happening today...of course, an element of the future has to be considered but I'm learning to fully enjoy now too.

Now... Now I've got all this great stuff going on. Mega things.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

It's all waiting for you

I'm feeling pretty positive about the changes in my life. I'm thankful for great friends who are amazing support and I've been complemented for making this leap of faith.

What I've realized is that everything I ever needed has always been here. It's been waiting for me to be ready. Ready for me to access the strength, determination, will, courage to take action. Waiting patiently for the right time.

I don't know if I believe in destiny. If it does exist, who determines it? You or someone/something else? The Universe? But I have this intense feeling that everything has been working towards this. That life is falling into place. Again. Maybe it's the change. The movement of energy and new ways of thinking. I have a little buzz.

Who knows.

Less questions. More do.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Testing Times

Since saying I've resigned from my job, I've had two contradicting responses. One which is of JOY and one which is of FEAR.

Funny, both can be experienced doing yoga. I mainly fall on the joy side... but occasionally, I can get afraid too. Sometimes, I still mess up and end up on the floor laughing at myself. Totally true in life also, I can do some dumb things. I think everyone probably can.

Mostly, I am excited to have quit teaching...well, my permanent position. It frees me up to do other stuff! It makes me think about the next step. It makes me go forwards. It makes me want to do/plan everything whilst I'm young and pretty carefree. It makes me think outside the lines...

Currently, I think my integrity is being tested. How much do I want this big change? How strong am I? Even the scared/worried faces...what about the economy?! The are you mad looks?! Isn't this what you trained for?

I suppose most people are money/security minded...and why would anyone want to give that up?

I suppose I just have to stick to my guns. Have faith. Inhale grooviness and exhale all the shitty fear.

I don't have any answers. Just questions for myself. I have lots of ideas floating around and not so much time to invest in them...yet.

In approximately 5 weeks I'll be a free agent. Then it's Vipassana Time.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Passing the Time

We laugh. We play. We sing.
We do all the things we want.
We live life fully, even recklessly at times!
We're fearless. We try new things.

We discuss. We work it out and learn.
We listen and we offer advice.
We're easy, kind and thoughtful.
We share all we have to give.

We're a great team and real friends.
We're open, honest and true.
We practice, practice, practice.
We're glad in all that we do.

We're just passing the time.
Passing it well.
Passing it creatively.
We're fun.