Sunday, 20 June 2010

Breathlessness, Carlisle and Squeak

So back in Carlisle. Back to the hills. Back to boredom..haha. It's easy to find solitude here. I'm trying to think of this time as a retreat but really, I'm busy! I'm in uni tomorrow and Tuesday..packing and ball-ing on Wednesday and moooooving on Thursday. It's all go..and it's been leaving me a little breathless tbh. I've found myself *needing* to take massive breaths just to get air inside my lungs. I know that everything IS fine but the anxiety of knowing I have important things to do is a killer for me..always has been. Not that that doesn't mean I can't change that cycle. So, today I've decided that instead of focusing more energy on being anxious I'm going to remember and focus and keep RE-focussing on the fact that I'm actually very happy and that my life is moving in the right direction. SOUTH. ;)

This afternoon I met up with my very lovely and gorgeous bestfriend here and we went for dinner..we've really done this journey together so it was incredibly good to see her. She'd bought me a present and card congratulating me on my job, house and new life(!). She is one in a million. I'll miss her in London. She's also volunteered to help me pack up my room :) (the universe provides!).

I am thinking that I'll go to an Ashtanga led class tomorrow night..the only opportunity to before London and it would be nice to see the teacher there. I used to love Monday night practice and floating home along the streets at 9pm..which reminds me I MUST GET A TOWEL FOR MY MAT. I would use chalk in Carlisle on my hands and feet.. I'm so afraid of slipping in Prasarita Padottanasana!! I do find the squeaky noises my mat makes quite amusing though - not sure about the rest of the room!

That's me done babbling for now. Happy Father's Day all.

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