Sunday, 13 June 2010

I forgot how amazing peaches are..

Yummy. It's been too long juicy peach..which is the colour I'd describe my hair as now the red is washing out. I'm a different colour everyday -reflective of my wardrobe. I can't wait to have allll of it in London with me, living out of a (two) suitcases(s) is okay when the weather is warm (as I only packed summer clothes with me on the hot day I stuffed my case(s)) but not when it decides to rain or it gets nippy! I *could* wait..and I have, NOW it's time to retrieve my things (in a couple of weeks anyway). No hurry, no worry.. I have a couple of viewings of places to move into..both very different and both possibly perfect. Will know more when I walk in them.

Practice this morning was a very happy (hippie) one.. I felt strong and a little bit lighter than usual and almost never put my arms down after Chaturanga, which is sometimes where I give myself a little cheeky rest. My Ashtanga arms are coming along quite nicely are my feet! Mel assisted me in binding in Marichyasana D and said my tight (and painful!) right shoulder could be down to mouse clicking -OOP! Plonked myself in Kurmasana but didn't attempt Supta! It's definitely getting there through practice.. No hurry, no worry.

It will be very strange not to be practicing at the shala next Sunday but I'll be back soon enough..


  1. LOL I just realised which Mel you meant when you said about the Mari D assist, at first I thought it was the one on the next mat!

  2. Ha! Well, she may be assisting me in reminding me of the next posture in future..especially, doing Navasana at the right time!! ;) Is 'there is no right and wrong' relevant in this instance?!
