Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Practice and Patience

Why is it that with the weekend I've had, I felt more balanced, more aware than ever this morning? My practice truly felt like my own - perhaps because I was closer to the front of the room and my drishti didn't wander (as much!). Why do I also feel like sharing today? Maybe for the reason of it feeling MINE and like I was making progress on my own and feel so motivated to practice. In fact though, today's practice wasn't the greatest. I have a few complaints; I felt like I wasn't warm enough (I had a cold night in bed so maybe I've got a bit of a chill plus, this morning's shower was the first hot one in three days!), my lower back is whimpering in pain (and I'm paranoid that that's my kidneys) and my shoulders are tense and a little sore. Having said all that our new yoga teacher was amazing and sensed my shoulders and massaged them down in a wonderfully soft and gentle way that was delightful! My whole body exhaled deeply. I somehow managed to miss out Utthita Hasta Padangustasana A - C COMPLETELY (which is an unusual for me to forget!) and Marichyasana A, which to be honest, is easy for me to omit. BUT I did do everything else with passion so I think that makes up for these accidental omissions! I even feel like I'm beginning to get Kurmasana and Supta Kurmasana - Mel pointed out that my over-extending elbows aren't helping me and I need to be careful with how I bend them.

I also managed to glance at the clock before starting this morning and I reckon the entire series (once I can move on to the asanas post Supta Kurmasana) would take me an hour and half. I think an hour self-practice (at home) in the morning is realistic. I always feel pressured by time (and distractions) in my own space - so maybe at home I could do half vinyasa instead of full ;). As frustrating as it is not being able to move on from Supta Kurmasana (as I know I can do the rest of the series), I'm going to conquer it. Like an obstacle.


  1. Cool, you made it to practice during the week, half term? Supta Kurmasana is a challenging pose, glad it's starting to come together. Hope the other stuff is resolved soon. Coming to London next week so hopefully see you.

  2. Half term indeed! It was lovely to take my time this morning :) Are you practising with Hamish again? Yeah, I do feel like things are coming together more..hopefully, I'll be able to tell you about a new job next week too!! x

  3. Well done Jen sounds like a great practice.Presume you meant Prasarita Padot A-C?? Mel is a good teacher, I'm looking forward to practising with her again on Sunday, I havnt seen her since India 18 months ago.
    Supta Kurmasana is fun, I love doing that.
    New Job that's wonderful, hope its near the Shala.

  4. It's weirding me out seeing everyone talking about Mel and it not being me. Jen did you see in the diary this morning Cary had written "Welcome Mel!!" and I thought aww that's sweet, she knew I'd be here ;)
    My practice was rubbish today, I was really distracted and the whole shala felt different somehow.... I know I'll get used to it but it's crazy how different the energy feels with different people (lots of regulars missing today too). So I'm glad to hear yours was good and the weird energy must have just been swirling around me! :)

  5. Oooh, fingers crossed about the job. Mel, Mel, Mel, yes you, hi! Practice hard for me today too. Wanted to curl up in a ball and cry but instead did the opposite and opened everything up, intense, breathing helped and I feel great now.

  6. Helen I almost cried after backbends, it's a first for me!! I think maybe it was something atmospheric/energetic (Jen somehow swerved it though!) as 2 other friends have told me they had shockingly bad home ones today too. Kevin if you're practising when you get home, watch out!!

  7. Today really wasn't great! I totally felt the different vibe.. and personally, today has been a little rocky emotionally too. It's difficult not to panic when I've no solid plans at the minute! :/

  8. No solid plans = the world is your oyster. Seriously. Be awake to the possibilities, and know that whatever is meant to be will fall into place. Crazy hocum stuff but it does seem to work.Keep breathing! xxx

  9. I actually only have two weeks this Saturday left in London at my accommodation..

  10. Mel I wish your hocum would start working soon.
    You were right about practice last night, though maybe having read the comments it was in my mind. Practice was a bit of a slog and my wrist gave up after baddha Konasana.

  11. I've just found the most perfect school advertised -closing date next Friday but don't think it'll be open to get an application form this week. So, there's new hope there! I suppose it's just a panicky time for me not knowing what I'm doing..and I also realized yesterday that I'm EXTREMELY low on funds! Eek. So, I have to take the bull by the horns, BREATHE and keep pro-active. Think I've applied for about 3/4 jobs this week already and I'm thinking about what I want to do over summer. Ideally I'd like to stay in London..and rest up north for a week or so just to see my friends and family there. I'm really happy here but suddenly feel very unsettled again! COME ON HOCUM!!!

    Sending everyone positive vibes today :)

  12. Jen, it will all fall into place, but if it comes down to it, my sofa's yours to crash on, and it's nice and close to the shala so no excuses ;) No panicking!!

    As I remember you had a pretty solid practice with just some sketchy bits, so a little consistency and it'll all fall into place, no worries.

    I actually had a really good practice today! I mean relatively speaking with this hand thing. Just finished an hour ago though, hence why I'm up at 1am reading blogs... Must go to bed now, though no intention of getting up at 5, so evening practice it is tomorrow again for me.

    Good practices tomorrow everyone...

  13. Susan, that means soooo much to me THANK YOU! :) You may regret it though when i DO end up on your couch hehe ;)

    Good to hear you had a nice practice..I had a late night last night so no practice for me this morning. I shall endeavor to go tomorrow. Re my practice 'sketchy' is the word!! But sometimes it comes together beautifully..as with life.


  14. Susan beat me to it, I have a space to crash too if needed (though not quite so close to the shala!!), you would be more than welcome! Keeping everything crossed for you in terms of the solutions, short-term and otherwise & hope to see you for led tomorrow! :)

  15. Aww, bless you :) x

    I actually forgot it was led tomorrow! I shall be there!! xx

  16. Have a nice led you guys, wish I could go! About to practice, then have to get to the office super early tomorrow. Definitely going Sunday. Seriously no problem about the sofa, but if you take too long we'll shuffle you between us, haha :)

  17. Haha! I love it! See you Sunday lovely x
