I realize that this sounds ridiculous but I rarely switch OFF from the world. I rarely press pause on life and take a moment to myself. Myself alone without thinking about others or another time or place or fantasy. So, tonight I'm quite relieved and reassured that for the first time in a long time, when I was exhausted laid on my bed in this warm room, whilst the birds sang and my windchime gently tinkered..I SLEPT. This meant that I missed my yoga class as I still have uni work to do and going to yoga without having uni work ticked off in my mind generally leads to a sh*tty practice. I'm hopeful of a self practice in the morning though, especially, as I've just realized we're in a little later. I've also just realized that tomorrow will be my last ever day at the University of Cumbria (fondly referred to as Ucum by it's students). Strange, you'd think I'd be relieved to see the back of education..this year surely hasn't been without it's stresses and strains, pressures and anxieties BUT actually, I'm considering continuing and completing my masters in teaching and learning..if it's possible for me, then I see no reason why I shouldn't go for it.
One of my lectures today ended with this quote from Seneca, "Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end." How true. True for everything I can think of. Education, work, relationships..even tackling a new asana in practice. ;) So maybe although tomorrow is an ending of some sort, it's also the beginning.
Once in London, it's back down to practice..never have I had such a fantastic opportunity for new beginnings as now.
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