Led class yesterday was AWESOME. The full series to the best of my ability. Great energy in the room and comfortable/secure enough in my spot to even try things I wasn't so sure of (like Chakorasana). I'd say my body, although heavier, is at the same level of flexibility as when as I was practicing with my first teacher in Liverpool and I'm much stronger now.
Okay, so here goes with how primary shaped up yesterday..and it's also a good way for me to start actually learning Sanksrit posture names (HOW long have I been putting myself in these poses and I still don't know them! Practice certainly came before study pour moi!).
Surya Namaskara A's - enjoyable and quick. Energetic. It helps that I'm not slipping on my mat as much. Who needs moisturizer anyway? My skin is self cleansing and moisturizing with it's own sweat!
Surya Namaskara B's - 3 for led, so not as taxing as usual. Internal fire well and truly ignited. My Chaturanga is always strong. Perhaps the movement up to downward dog could be smoother and I am aware that I must work on fidgeting less in downward dog. Especially, moving my hands, bending my elbows slightly (due to the hyperextendingness) and checking my handspan with my stumpy thumbs straight out and not curved and middle finger shooting forwards. As well as pushing my calves backwards and looking at my NOSE! There's so much to think about in this seemingly simple posture it's no wonder I lose track of my breath count! Thank goodness for led, when it's the perfect opportunity to have even more awareness.
Standing Sequence: Standing is where I'd normally get a little sketchy on the order of the sequence - but alas, it's not been an issue this week! Towards the end anyway ;)
Padangusthasana and Padahastasana I've always enjoyed but must remember not to see them as a bit of a rest after the Suryas! I'm still working on getting my head between my legs and concentrating on my weight through my heels and of course bandhas! Utthita Trikonasana and Parivritta Trikonasana are more stable than ever. Utthita Parsvakonasana and Parivitta Parsvakonasana are stable too but I'm still working on getting my hand flat to the floor whilst still maintaining the twist and LIFT in reverse P.
Prasarita Padottanasanas are soooo much better now I don't fear actually doing the splits! Again, working on bandha strength here to work my chest vertically down, whilst moving my legs closer in if it's too easy for my head to touch the floor. I always knew I could touch my hands to the floor with assistance in C -so, now I need to work on doing this on my own.
Parsvottasana, feels steady and I can touch my chin to shin but I am rearranging my feet when I turn for the other leg - should I be doing? It kinda doesn't seem to flow but if I don't then my feet seem too close to each other (the right from the left).
Ahh, now, standing balance. Utthita Hasta Padungusthasana A-D -still shakey! It's all about the lift, bandha strength and strength in supporting leg (and ankle!) innit. Now, Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana why why why have I developed reluctance in this posture! I actually fell over in this this week and just kinda ended up on the floor sat cross legged so it's really not THAT awful to fall out of. Really need to LET GO here and just breath into it without my head going "You're upside down, on one leg in half lotus, you're gona fall!" Nope, not going to fall. Going to get my chin to shin. Yes.
Utkatasana -thigh burner and warriors Virabhadrasanas A and B lovely jubbly, must be aware that weight is going through both legs and drishti is correct with my head properly arched back in A.
Now seated. Dandasana and then an opportunity to mop up some sweat on my leggings. Paschimottanasana A - C are a lovely little rest but shouldn't be seen as one! Should be concentrating on chest to thighs and getting the wrist bind in C..which is possible when one puts a bit of effort in. Purvottanasana -working on lift in my hips and touching 10 toes to the floor, head straight back. Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimotttasana, easier than Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana, but I need to work my shoulders down so that they're aligned and my chest is straight over my leg. Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana, same thing along with Janu Sirsasana A - C. I still REALLY need to work on C and encouraging (eventually!) my knee down..
I'm working on binding at my wrist in Marichyasana A, B and C and WOOOO *magically* my shoulder pain has disappeared and I can bind independently in D.
I'm focussing on my lift and keeping my back upright in Navasana rather than worrying about straightening my legs - I figure, once I have the bandha strength for the lift, my legs will just float straight up! ;)
Bhujapidasana is strong but I still need to develop the balance to touch my head to the floor..tips anyone? Mel?!
Kurmasana is cominggggg! Must remember to flex my feet and NO FEAR. I can bind in Supta Kurmasana with assistance but instead of concentrating on this in yesterday's led class, I touched my feet instead (towards crossing). Which should come first?!
Then this is normally where I'd start finishing sequence during a Mysore class but during led, one attempts it all.
Now, I may have to finish there and analyze my ability to do finishing postures in another post ;) as I'm off to a Yin and Meditation class by my lovely housemate. Rest? Yes.
Love and Light to all.
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