Thursday, 1 July 2010

I am Blessed

Ooooh the week isn't even over and I am wanting to post highlights and general LIGHT..

So, I helped crowd control 60 four/five year old children to visit a hindu temple this week and although the kids were a bit of a nightmare, I had a very enlightening time. One of them innocently asked what the red spot was for on hindu people's heads and in order to explain I was volunteered up by my colleague for a blessing. The thought had never crossed my mind that I'd go to a temple and receive a blessing from a hindu priest - EVER. But it was magical. I now have a red string (kalava) on my right wrist, which I thankfully found out is the correct wrist for a woman as I'm unmarried. I might dip into another religion this weekend if I make it to the Dalai Lama's birthday celebrations..after checking out Pride! I think some of the children struggled with the concept of the different deities in hinduism representing one God. Apart from the blessing, something that the speaker told the children resonates in my mind. He said, "God is truth." Which reminds me of the John Keats quote I love, "Beauty is truth." And of course, there were many references to yoga..

Which leads me nicely onto babbling about my practice this morning when I was joined by John DVD form. It was much like a led class, with the exclusion of all his fancy jumps and hand stands. I managed my full shala practice..and sans John yesterday. Tiredness consumes me today though and after a proactive day I'm wondering if it's insane to go to bed at 5.33pm..more insane than getting up at 5.03am??

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen, that trip sounds wonderful, although keeping an eye on that many little ones requires mindfulness with a capital M! Glad home practice is going well, I meant to suggest a dvd for days when you need some motivation. I used to use them a lot and still do Fridays from time to time. Good luck with the sleeping, I was exhausted today too, had a nap.
