Saturday, 23 April 2011

The Best

There are some people you meet in life who think that they have it the BEST way. "Oh, you must try this. Do this. Do that...but you want this, don't you?" People write books, write BLOGS, magazines >>>the ENTIRE media.

In yoga, over the past couple of months whilst my regular teacher has been on maternity, I've been taught by many different teachers and hence, taught different ways. I've been told to focus on different aspects. I've been assisted through various means.

What I realize now is that there is no BEST way. No ideal. There is, actually, only what works for you. Through trying you learn, "Practice, practice, practice" comes to mind.

Truly the only way to learn is to EXPERIENCE.

This morning, over fresh coffee and eggs I discussed men, friends and family and how for every individual these relationships are different. Who can say what is the perfect relationship? Perfection a subjective term. For me, it is my choice.Things are either perfect or a conscious effort of change must take place. Change is (after all) the ONLY constant of life.

This moment, sat writing this post can be perfect but it will undoubtedly not last, nor can is ever be recreated. I could take a photograph or write it down but that would only capture an essence of the perfection of the moment.

So can the same be said of feelings. I can feel wondrously happy and I may never be able to convey my joy so much that you can understand. Vice-versa if I was down.

In life, we feel, touch, taste...experience moments. We learn and we evolve.

We each make the best from that.

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